13 October 2011

Choosing Light ...

"People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the
sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed
only if there is a light from within." ~ Elizabeth Kubler Ross

When Light is contained within the essence of our Beings, it reflects and shines outward and makes our face somehow appear lighter, brighter. Our eyes seem to sparkle and dance, and our Being is light and airy. We smile easier, we love easier. Our words are filled with caring, kindness, love. We don't hesitate to help those around us without expecting anything in return. We simply strive to be the best we can be.
Alternatively, when darkness surrounds us, and penetrates our Life, we feel heavy, morose, sad. We use sarcasm as though it is our last breath, or second language, because with it we can infiltrate our enemies boundaries insidiously, completely. Sarcasm is our only coping mechanism, our only defense in a world gone mad.
Sarcasm, when used without humor, is the epitome of anger and hatefulness disguised in benignness. Words of sarcasm fall heavily on your enenmies ears and hearts. Sarcastic words can be the undoing of a sensitive Soul.
How do we prevent ourselves from being caught up in darkness? We choose to stand in the Light ... we choose to say only things that will make others feel important, good. We choose to be loving, kind. 
Some of us are hesitant to be nice, kind, loving. We have been burned too many times, taken advantage of numerous times when we were 'nice' and that is not going to happen again! Some of us have been hurt so many times that we retaliate even before someone strikes out at us.
It's okay to feel scared. It's okay to feel vulnerable. We are human beings before we are anything else. It's only natural to be cautious in this world filled with chaos and the unknown. It's okay to be scared, but we need to push past the fear and step into the Light. We need to choose Light and Life. Let's all do it together ...!
Today, I choose to live in the Light and Love of humanity. I choose to allow myself to be transformed from the inside out with Divine Love and Energy. I choose to be kind, loving, and caring. I choose Life!
Namasté, my friends ...

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