06 August 2012

Embracing the Universal Awakening

Sometimes, it takes only a tiny rumbling in the Earth to affect changes on a grander scale. Perhaps there is a tiny shift in the plates in the middle of the Red Sea, and suddenly there is a Tsunami threatening to overtake a small island town. It's like rolling a snowball from the top of a high mountain. In a short time, that tiny snowball can become a force to be reckoned with. 

We humans are like this when it comes to exchanging energy and vision, and no matter how few people are involved at the beginning, there is the potential for massive change. As consciousness seekers, we are in the midst of this process, and it is amazing to see people we thought might never come around, waking up to their truth. We are in the midst of the Golden Age of Awakening. The Universe is requiring that we all change, but the choice to change is left up ultimately up to each individual. 

We can count ourselves blessed to be living at a time when the awareness of humanity seems to be at a tipping point, as more and more individuals open their minds and change their ways. There are Energy Shifts present in the Universal on a grand scale, and they are happening more and more consistently. These shifts are assisting our Light Bodies in changing, in moving from the darkness into the light. With these changes, comes a shift in consciousness, as well. We are moving more toward Christ Consciousness. This is not about religion at all! This is simple about moving away from darkness, fears, egocentricity, control, conditional love, jealousy, and other negatives, to brighter unconditional love, light, joyousness, freedom, and positivity! 

For some people, this revolves around an awareness of the environment, for others it is a spiritual awakening, and for many it is both. A great change in consciousness is sweeping through us all, as we recognize that things are not what they have seemed to be, that there is more to our lives than meets the eye. Many of us have the awareness and the energy at this time to break through old, outmoded ways of seeing things and to move into a new way of being in the world, and it is essential that we do so. The beauty of living at this time is that even small actions have a powerful ripple effect, and the reverberations of what we do have the power to reach and open many minds. 

It is as if a scale is about to tip in favor of higher consciousness, and each one of us has the power to bring humanity closer to that point with the smallest of actions. Each time we move in the direction of our dreams and visions, we can visualize another small pebble dropping into the pond, or another gold weight on the scale, rippling and tipping our way to universal awakening. A Universal Awakening! Perhaps we CAN change the world for the better ... The Time is NOW!

Follow this link for more intensive information about raising your vibration to expand into Christ Consciousness: 

How to Raise Your Vibration

(Most of this blog post was excerpted from a "Daily OM" posting)

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