08 November 2010

Letting Go

"If someone isn't treating you with the love and respect you deserve, it is a gift if they walk away" ~ Don Miguel Ruiz

So often people choose to feel responsible for an entire relationship, when in reality it ALWAYS takes two to make or break one. When the fire and passion are reduced in a relationship, and all that is left are mundane situations and repetition, without emotional support, people tend to feel resentful and hurt. It's understandable. It has been said that love is a two way street, like most every relationship in Life. Our friendships, our acquaintances, the people we choose to call our family ~ all those relationships occur on that two way street.

When a person chooses to see only the negative and darkness in another then there is no longer room to see the goodness or the light of one's Soul. A choice is a choice. If I see only the negative aspects in another, it is my responsibility to either change the way I see or to live with the repercussions of my choices.

Today, I choose to see the light and goodness in everyone. But my choice does not mean I need to be friends with everyone. Seeing the goodness in someone does not mean I need to commit myself fully to that person. A wise woman once said: "We love humanity because that is what we are meant to do. But loving humanity doesn't mean we have to be burdened with everyone else's problems. We have to have boundaries that are clear, and we have to protect ourselves." 

I am Divinely protected. I choose to live my life with integrity. I choose to be true to myself. I choose to see the Light in others, rather than focusing on the darkness. If that Light is snuffed out by the Shadows of Darkness, I will learn to let go with love and forgiveness and move forward on my Sacred Path. 
In the end, it is my relationship with my Self that matters most ...

Namasté, my friends ...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kathi,
    So very true !!! I am so sorry I missed you in June !! Now you know where to find me honey !
    hugs and kisses !!


Feel free to comment and ALWAYS remember to be respectful and tactful ... Blessings :)