26 July 2009

The Unseen

Just because we can't see something, it doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. Many of us use the excuse that we can not see God, spirit guides, or other unseen beings, therefore they must not exist. This is how humans commonly deny the existence of Something Greater working and being in our lives.

Anyone who has encountered these unseen beings can attest to the fact that they do indeed exist, just as our breath exists. Our breath cannot be seen, but it's there, keeping us alive with every inspiration and expiration. If we could not breathe, the CO2 and O2 exchange would not go on within our lungs, and we would fail to go on living. The wind exists as well, and we have never "seen" the wind. 

We only know it's there because we can feel it on our skin, in our hair, and we see it moving through the trees. All around us and within us there are things we cannot see, and yet we know they are just as real as you or I, or Mother Earth. Why is it humans have such a difficult time believing the existence of Something Greater than ourselves?

Some people are more gifted at accessing that which we cannot see, but given an open mind and willing heart, anyone can tune into the invisible realm and begin to find their way.

Human beings have always done this, and it's probably only recently, within the last 100 years or so, that we have fallen into distrusting the existence of what we cannot see.

If you are one who has lost touch with the unseen world, all that need be done is to resolve to open your heart and mind to the existence of the unseen, and it will make itself known to you. Closing your eyes in meditation and/or prayer, or engaging the unseen through the written word, are two ways to welcome the unseen into your life. Whatever one chooses to do, cultivating a relationship with that which cannot be seen is a time-honored human practice that can greatly enhance ones life...

Peace, Blessings, Namasté, my friends ...

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