Wow! I can't even believe that it's been 30 years since you decided to make your appearance here on Earth, Son ...
You were the most amazing gift that God ever bestowed on me, so many years ago ...
I was instantaneously bonded with you as I held you so very close to my heart that day.
I was instantaneously bonded with you as I held you so very close to my heart that day.
The tears of pure love and joy welled up inside me when I heard your precious cry, saw your lovely face, and held your tiny hand between my thumb and forefinger ...
What a lovely gift God gave me on this day! There was never a day before it that matched the joy I felt on this very day, 30 years ago ... I had to photograph every inch of your perfection, and that I did! I couldn't stop taking photos! How miraculous! How exciting!
No amount of excitement, love, or joy could ever match what I felt on this very day ... the day of your Birth! I don't think I ever knew what love truly was until you stole my heart on that day so many years back ... I instantly fell in love with my Baby Boy ... the pride and joy of my Life!
Now, today, on your 30th birthday, I want to wish you the happiest of birthdays, and hope for you all the love, riches, and joys that parenthood can bring you with your own daughter. You and your lovely, sweet wife deserve the very best Life has to offer to you.
That baby girl is a precious jewel, just as you are, my Son ... and may you always feel the love and pride that swells one's heart only the way becoming a parent can ... always!

That baby girl is a precious jewel, just as you are, my Son ... and may you always feel the love and pride that swells one's heart only the way becoming a parent can ... always!
Happy Birthday, handsome son!
I love you, DJ!'
Love, Mom xoxox
Awe. "Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful boooooyyyyyy." I membah how precious Deej was (and still That's such a nice, heartfelt post. He truly is a gem and his daughter is a jewel! Happy birthday Deej! Celebrate this day of birth! You know your Aunt Loo loves her favorite nephew very much! ♥