I would venture to say that before you judge me, please take a look in the mirror. We see in others what we see in ourselves. That's a true statement, and it really doesn't sound as though you are qualified to diagnose ANYONE, least of all me. I'm so far from being narcissistic it isn't even funny. Joan Crawford was narcissistic ... remember her? Mommie Dearest? Please, I've worked in mental health for years, and I'm STILL not qualified to diagnose.
Regardless, prayers and healing light goes out to the lost Soul who posted those comments. May God Bless you richly .... You are forgiven.
Interestingly, those harsh comments were a brilliant segue into my current post! I was thinking the other day about how so many of us are reactive, rather than responsive, and how we tend to find it difficult to just sit and listen to constructive criticism without feeling hurt, or without taking it personally.
That brought me to the epiphany that we are all wounded Souls wandering among other wounded Souls ... it's as though we are all part of the matrix of sadness. We choose to carry our burdens, or we choose to shuck them off our shoulders and push forward. But no matter what we choose to do with our sad pasts, we ALL have sadness, anger, or fear from the past that haunts us at some level.
Some of us are evolved, creative and compassionate enough to keep it compartmentalized, work through it, and move forward, pushing past it and leaving it all where is belongs: In the past. Others hold on to it for reasons unknown, wallowing in its powerful negativity, keeping it close, and even sometimes nurturing it. Some even create bigger negatives from it, and use it to make excuses for being harsh, hateful, and demeaning towards others.
The thing we all need to remember is that we are all connected, and when we harm one of those in the matrix, we harm the entire matrix. It is a difficult concept to grasp, and some are not enlightened yet enough to grasp it fully. But if we act as if we understand any concept, we can live as though we truly do understand it fully.
Today, I will live as though I understand that we are all connected ... and I will live fully and lovingly, treating all whom I come into contact with kindness, compassion, and love.
Namasté, my friends ~
Everyone sees thru people like that. They think that everyone else is to blame for everything that goes wrong in their lives and can't get past it no matter how much "professional" help they get--which can't be quality help obviously if that person is calling you things that he/she sees in himself--. I would think in time the person who posted those nasty comments will come to realize that he/she is solely responsible for the life they live REGARDLESS of how they have been wounded in the past and I feel nothing but pity for them if they don't ever realize that. His/her sickness will spread to their family..... Hopefully they don't have children or the problem will just be perpetuated. Maybe the person who posted all those nasty comments is just a teen and therefore hasn't experienced the true responsibilty of independent living and being responsible for their own doing (or undoing.) The most we can do is pray for lost soles like that and realize that we cannot change their opinions, their outlook, or their sick twisted minds. They have to do that themselves and frankly, no matter how much professional help some people get, they will always remain "wounded" because in their minds they are the only person who counts and the world is supposed to revolve around themselves.
ReplyDeleteHi Anonymous:
DeleteI understand what you're saying here. Since I began working on my own issues way back in my 20's, I've come to realize that my reality, my Life is solely my responsibility. If I can't take responsibility for my own Life, then no one else can, either. I feel sadness and pity only for the lost Souls of the world ... the Borderline Personalities ... who no matter what can never heal because they do not want nor do they dare to look inside themselves and change themselves, rather than blaming everyone and everything on the outside. They are truly the damned ... and only God and a Spiritual healing can help them at this point. The problem is that most of them don't believe in God, and have absolutely no Spiritual connection. They are to be pitied and prayed for ... it's all anyone can do.
Souls, not soles
ReplyDeleteWhats really funny is the fact the person posting as Anonymous sounds like a bigger idiot than they intended. I mean, how much of a loser does someone have to be to spend that much time and effort posting nonsense on someone else's blog? Whats even funnier is the fact that Anonymous's own mother hated and abused her. Imagine how the rest of the world must hate that piece of garbage. Anoynmous is the type of moron who TRULY believes she is smarter than people yet she has to hide behind the anonymity of the internet to feel superior. Its actually quite pathetic. Its also entertaining that Anonymous likes to call everyone else narcissistic yet all she can talk about is her own problems, how her life is so tough cuz Mommy used to abuse her and booooo hoooo hoooo. Hate to tell ya it, Anonymous but you ALLOW yourself to become a victim of abuse. No one to blame but yourself. Quit being a little bitch and do something about it besides cry via the internet... Life is tough. We all have problems. Yours are no more important than anyone else's, despite YOUR own narcissitic views that they are. The fact you have nothing better to do than sit on your fat ass and stalk people online, posting anoynmous comments to help boost what is left of your self esteem saddens me and makes me realize what a true piece of human excrement you must be. Here's a thought: go get a job, or a life, or a husband, or a hobby, and take your sad, pathetic mind off the abuse you LET YOUR MOM dish out to you. Boooo hoooo hooooooooooo....... crying about it online will earn you NO sympathy. It is just a dead giveaway to what a spineless piece of garbage you are. I look forward to your always entertaining, albeit retarded response. If you dare to respond, that is..... hahahahaaha. pathetic
ReplyDeleteThat crystal person is the same person posting as anonymous . LOL.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I see that, ore. I see that all of them are the same person.
DeleteYou guys are smart! Are you related? Lol
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteLol. I can post from anywhere. Everyone has a smart phone these days. Where does all the bitterness for my seeeester come from? You don't know her, nor have you walked in her shoes, so what gives? Are you seeing things one-sided or are you transferring your anger for your mother on to her? Kathi is a great person with a great soul. And beautiful
Deleteto boot. She's always been spiritual and
although always had her issues dealing with
her own abuse, has worshipped and loved
her two children to the best of her heart's
ability. I hope she doesn't give a hoot about
your opinion, but I had to write something
because you obviously don't know her.
People who know her, love her for the
imperfect soul she is. She is not malicious,
as your posts indicate you are. Please
refrain from your judgements until you know
somebody. Not a good thing to teach your
beautiful children. Poor character. Be happy and love life. Forgive your mother because all that anger only hurts yourself.
Wow, great bathroom reading! Anyone who had to post as anonymous is hiding. Speak your mind or don't say anything. Believe what you post. The "Joan" comment made me giggle though I will say. Any adult who passes mean judgements back and forth on any site, especially anonymously, proves how wounded and angry they really are. Sounds also like someone is transferring their issues with their own mother to your
ReplyDeleteblog. Issue at hand is not the "cutting you out of her
life", it's respect for the choices people make. You can't
change your daughter's mind; respect her wishes with
love. No need to prove yourself to anyone. Labeling
people is inconsequential as it doesn't change anything but it shows what the labeler thinks of themselves. I tend to think all people are good, innately, and we all have issues. We just deal with them differently. It's important to remember that our anger and hurts from our abuse are apparent in our dealings with other
human beings. The comment about becoming spiritual
because of losing our looks or age is the epitome of imbecilic. Laughable really since there are millions of
spiritual people of all ages and physical representation.
Physical beauty is relative. Kathi, anyone who knows
you, knows you aren't narcissistic, so what do you
care? Can't change their mind.
My opinion, even though it wasn't asked, is to just continue to love and respect your daughter's wishes. What else can you do? Go back to using this blog for positive posts. You'll find that less people will respond since you said you took the anonymous option away.
Don't waste your time trying to defend yourself. Why
can't everyone just love each other with all our issues? There's no need to be mean and nasty to one another. Life is short and we're all on this earth together. Love and be happy! Move on from our hurts and go forward in peace and serenity! I agape love you all!
Thank you, Loo, for your Spiritual answer! You are truly a good Soul and I love you, Sis! xoxo
DeleteMaybe I'm spiritual because I'm old......lmao!
DeleteOh, and EVERYTHING we go thru after a certain age is brought upon ourselves. Think about that very carefully. Most States the age of consent is 16 but I can remember at 15 I was gonna talk to my abuser, which was from a young age.
ReplyDeleteOnce again, my blog was hijacked by toxic, poisonous beings wanting to spread their fabrications and outright lies and accusations. These are the types who have absolutely nothing better to do than weave their innate burning rage in a deceitful web of lies, sadness, and anger ... As Souls who have learned that to live is to forgive and move forward, we need to simply pray that they find the peace within, the joy, the love, the serenity that we seek in our own lives. Thanks for the lovely words, to those of you who actually KNOW me and know my family history. I pray that the wretched, angry Souls who have somehow found the time to post such hateful lies on my blog find peace within ... God Bless and Keep You all ... Jealousy/envy and rage does not become any of you.
ReikiNurse aka Kathi
Peace Out
Bueno. You don't need that negativity on your spiritual blog. It is toxic to the soul. Anyhoo, I never really checked your blog before but now I will spend some quality time with it. Keep up your enlightenment and spread the spiritual word!
ReplyDeleteDrat, I see you were right all along. I will truly pray for that soul, and my own or any other that has been wounded, and hopefully God can show the way. He is showing me...... Just gotta believe.